Welcome to Ministry!
Why Volunteer?
There are about 700 people who come regularly to our two churches on a Sunday and we need 700 helpers! In Chapter 12 of the first letter to the Corinthians, St Paul says…..
There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit; there are all sorts of service to be done, but always to the same Lord; working in all sorts of different ways in different people….
Later he adds….
Just as a human body, though it is made of many parts, is a single unit because all these parts, though many, make one body, so it is with Christ….. Now you together are Christ’s body but each of you is a different part of it.
The next time you come to Sunday Mass, look at the number of people who are required to help. Usually, there is
a sacristan
Readers of the Word
Eucharistic Ministers
altar servers
people to welcome you and hand out bulletins etc
collectors and counters
people to tidy up after Mass and church cleaners
flower arrangers
sometimes a choir and people to run children’s liturgy
You may have noticed that some people are doing these jobs every week and some are doing more than one - often because no-one will volunteer to do them. Ideally, all these liturgical roles should be shared as much as possible between everyone. So, taking into account that some roles are fixed, like the choir, ideally, we need about 300 people to help at Mass every month! There are lots of other volunteers required - for options, see below
Can you help?
Roles to consider
For more information on the different liturgy ministries, please look at the Liturgy page. Young people are not excluded from the call to ministry – please look at the Youth page.
There are also many helpers who work behind the scenes in various groups, such as the Knights of St Columba. For more information on these groups, look at the Groups page.
You may have the gift of being friendly and sociable – in which case, look at the Social page!
DIY skills? Our PP needs help with church and presbytery. Also, the parish has a finance committee who provide support for the Parish Priest. For more information, please look at the Building page.
By now, you might be worried that there is nothing that fits you. Perhaps you have little time to spare or you are just disinclined to do any of the above. Why not pray for the parish and the people you know or why not prepare yourself for the readings next Sunday? Look at the Daily Readings page for inspiration.