Young People
altar Servers
Please see Joe Mc Gunigle (our deacon) if you wish to be an altar server.
Uniformed Groups
Logo for Girl Guides
Logo for the Scouts
The following table shows the different groups and when they meet.
Group Sex Ages Day Start Finish
Rainbows Girls 5-7 Monday 6:00pm 7:00pm
Brownies Girls 7-10 Monday 7:00pm 8:15pm
Brownies Girls 7-10 Thursday 7:15pm 8:30pm
Guides Girls 10-14 Tuesday 6:45pm 8:30pm
Rangers Girls 14-18 Tuesday 6.15pm 7.45pm
Beavers Both 6-8 Thursday 6:00pm 7:10pm
Cubs Both 8-10 Wednesday 7:15pm 8:30pm
Scouts Both 10-14 Friday 7:30pm 9:30pm
For Beavers, Cubs, Scouts (Boys and Girls Welcome) - enquiries to:
For Rainbows, Brownies and Guides (Girls Only) - enquiries to:
Uniformed groups all meet at Bonsall Hall, which is the old parish hall on Bonsall Road.
Scout Uniformed Group Mass at St Timothy's
Mass at St Paul's to celebrate long service award
Map showing where Bonsall Hall is
The Animate team was set up in the Liverpool Archdiocese in 2005. It was decided that the best way to address Youth Ministry in our Diocese was to set up a team of young people who could minister to other young people.
The Animate Team are a group of young people aged between 18 and 25 who offer a year or more of their life to live in community and to work with young people in the Diocese. The team consists of a Director (Fr. Simon Gore), a paid Leadership team, and a group of gap year Volunteers.
There are regular events and they are spread throughout the archdiocese. Perhaps someone could volunteer to watch out for local events and tell their friends about them.