If you wish to volunteer for any of the following , please fill in the Volunteering Form. On the form, you need to tick the relevant jobs in the list and fill in your details.
We need people who can welcome all of our visitors and who might be able to answer any of their questions. A special concern should be for those who may be a little shy in a church they do not know. If welcomers have time, they could hand out a newsletter and mass sheet along with a hymn book to people when they enter church. Another duty for welcomers is to tidy up the benches quickly after Mass has finished.
Children‘s Liturgy
After the opening hymn at weekend Masses and some other occasions, children between the ages of 3 and about 8 may be led into the presbytery to have their own liturgy. They return at the Offertory and are led in procession onto the sanctuary until the Sign of Peace when they rejoin their families. The liturgy is prepared by dedicated volunteers.
Senior Choir
The Senior Choir used to sing at 11:15am Mass on Sundays but it stopped during the pandemic in 2020. However, requests for singers are made during Lent. They rehearse once a week for the Tridium services at Easter.
Pat has written a History of the Senior Choir
Junior Choir
The Junior Choir sings most weekends during term-time at one Mass on Sat night or on Sunday morning. They also sing in the Christmas Carol concert and in the Christingle Service (on 4th Sunday of Advent). The choir practises at St Paul’s most Wednesday evenings at 6:15pm.
Specialised work for people who are very discreet and quiet as they go about their business. Usually appointed by PP.
The Ministry of Reader, like all liturgical roles, requires careful, prayerful preparation, before reading the Word of God in public. Anyone, not on the official parish readers list, who would like to be considered for this role, can fill in the Volunteer Form as described above. There is a rota for Readers on Sundays, so please discuss your preferences with Deacon Joe Mc Gunigle.
Showing one of our Readers
There are occasional courses to encourage readers to proclaim the Word of God in a meaningful and joyful manner. These are highly recommended.
The readings for next Sunday are available.
Flower Arrangers
The flowers for the weekend services are sometimes done on Thursday evenings ?? There is a rota and this allows some slight flexibility in choosing when to do the flowers. You are also expected to keep flowers watered!
Eucharistic Ministers
As well as helping the priest at Mass with the distribution of the Eucharist, some Eucharistic ministers support the sick in the parish by visiting them and giving them Holy Communion. There is a rota for Eucharistic Ministers on Sundays, so please discuss your preferences with Deacon Joe Mc Gunigle.
If a parishioner is sick and not likely to be coming to church for a long time, then contact the presbytery (email - or phone - 0151 228 3405). One of the priests will visit you the first time then a Eucharistic Minister will come on a regular basis.
Needlework Group
This group meet on a regular basis to create or mend altar vestments and church banners. We are proud of their beautiful and painstaking work.
Piety Stall
The Piety stall at the back of St Paul’s is open on Sundays before and after Mass at 8:30am and 11:15am. You can buy Mass cards, First Communion cards, Christmas cards. and gifts for example, Rosary beads). Catholic newspapers and magazines are available at the back of both churches.
Church Cleaning and Altar linen
We are lucky to have a large number of people who help to clean both churches which means we can have an unofficial rota. Usually done on either Monday or Tuesday mornings but sometimes later in the week, depending on whether there are funerals. Church linen and vestments need frequent washing. More volunteers are welcome.