Lent 2025

In previous years, some research has been done to find some Lenten Resources. Some of these need 30 minutes or more every day. But many people working and with families might find that difficult so this year we will just include a couple of Lenten Resources for those who have more spare time. Of course these resources can be tried first by everyone who is looking at this page.But if you feel they are too time-consuming, we will also on this page offer something for each week of Lent, for example, a prayer or a poem or or a reflection on a reading.

Second week of Lent

This will be updated on March 14th or 15th

First week of Lent

The following passage comes from someone who has been a huge help. Sometimes he appears to be rebelling but what he chooses for a few people make a lot of sense.

"We are stardust! And it is to stardust we shall return. On Ash Wednesday, we are reminded that "We are dust and to dust we shall return". I have heard these words annually for at least 65 years.The accompanying message will tend to focus on humility, to curb the prideful human spirit - as in “Don't fancy yourself too much"! We will be asked to do penance for our sinful nature mainly by giving up things, like smoking, alcohol, chocolate, etc for Lent. Then it is back to our usual self? After some decades, this Lenten logic failed to make much sense.

I was more for those who inspire us to go beyond simply giving up stuff for Lent - to focus on positive action to make us more loving people - to be more grateful and more generous with what we already have, to reach out to those in need, to to be more grateful and more generous with what we already have, to reach out to those in need, to focus on removing the barriers that prevent us from being more loving people, such as being too focused on self, etc.

Yet what a difference it has made to discover that “We are dust” means, we are made of the same material as the world around us. Yes, we ARE created in the image of our Creator God. Yet we are ALSO linked to the world around us, including all the flora and fauna of the natural world and all of humanity. "We are dust" also means we are all interconnected - that we are all in this project called Life together with the whole of humanity and the rest of Creation.

Knowing that "We are dust" is a community experience does change the meaning of Lent. No matter what we do, we always move together as people - even when we are unaware of this dimension of our lives. We affect other peoples' lives no matter what we do, This is what makes the real difference in the Lenten experience for me.

In addition, scientists now tell us we are made of the same stuff as the stars. "We are dust" also means ours is a stellar experience! We are much more than our merely HUMAN nature. There is no longer the need to focus on our prideful nature as humans, but to put our hopes on the other-wordly aspects of our human existence. In this regard, the Lenten possibilities are endless!

This literally means "We are stardust"! And it is to stardust we shall return!

Artwork by Revd. Lisle Gwynn Garrity

Ash Wednesday

Lent starts and it is a good day to find a way of how we can pray more and reflect on how we can do more . The following might help. It is taken from the Covenant Service in Methodist Churches. It is a way of accepting whatever God wants from each one of us no matter what happens to us.

I am no longer my own but yours.

Put me to what you will, rank me with whom you will;

put me to doing, put me to suffering;

let me be employed for you or laid aside for you, exalted for you or brought low for you;

let me be full, let me be empty, let me have all things, let me have nothing;

I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things to your pleasure and disposal.

And now, glorious and blessèd God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are mine and I am yours.

So be it. And the covenant now made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.

What is our Parish offering to parishioners?

There are a few extra services in Lent. Each week during Lent there will be
           Early Mass on Fridays 7.00 am
           Stations of the Cross
every Friday at St Paul’s after 12.00 noon Mass . Those who are willing to lead the Stations please sign the list at the back of the Church.


Fast day envelopes will be available at all Masses 8th/9th March.

There may be more announcements later in Lent.

Lenten Resources

This next website has been recommended by Pilgrim Path

The Ignatian Spirituality website offers a very wide range of online Lenten resources, including daily prayer and reflections; an online retreat called "The Ignatian Workout"; a guided lunchtime examen; Lenten webinars; 'Arts and Faith" - a visual prayer experience; and much more. 

CAFOD are offering a daily reflection by email. To sign up for this click on Lent calendar with daily prayers and reflection and register. It is never too late to start.

For those who prefer action in Lent , CAFOD are promoting their BIG WALK . Walk 200km in 40 days to help fight global poverty. Note you have to sign up.

CAFOD also offer a lenten resource for young people .

If you find it difficult to pray (like so many other people!!) try this link called Pilgrims Way for Jubilee year 2025