Groups and Associations
If you wish to volunteer for any of the following , please fill in the Volunteering form. On the form, you need to tick the relevant jobs in the list and fill in your details.
The layout of this page has been changed recently. Instead of four vertical columns, there are five sections describing the Knights of St Columba, Union of Catholic Mothers , the Social & Welfare Group, the Knitting Group and the SVP. (Try double-clicking for these links!)
It is emphasised that all groups are of equal importance to the parish.
Knights of St Columba
Some Knights at Pantasaph in 2013
The Knights of St Columba, Council 493 meet on the second Wednesday of every month at 8.00p.m. in the Parish Centre
If any Catholic man over 16 years of age wishes to become a Knight, he is welcome to attend our meetings, or contact any Knight whose details will appear soon on this web page.
The Knights of St Columba, based in the parish, recently paid for the renovation of the Sanctuary Lamp at St Paul's church as part of their involvement in the parish.
Suspended by chains from the ceiling, over the front of the altar, is the Sanctuary Lamp which is kept burning to indicate the Real Presence of the Eucharist in the Tabernacle.
The lamp has been cleaned and refurbished to return it to its former condition and enhance the lighting to give increased luminance.
The Knights of St Columba and their work were the subject of a recent special article in October 2018.
A recent meeting of KSC. Not all knights were present.
Cleaned sanctuary lamp at St Paul’s
Union of Catholic Mothers
UCM on Retreat at Seaman's Mission, Crosby
Who we are
We are a National Organisation of Catholic Women, open to all women of all ages who support our aims and objectives in ...'prayer, love and active witness to marriage, family and Christian life in the world' (from our membership prayer)
What we do
Throughout our 100 year history we have been involved in current affairs, particularly those that impact on family life, lobbying our MPs and MEPs to protect the marginalised and vulnerable in society both home and abroad. We are affiliated to other like-minded organisations, who are active in our parishes and support each other in love and prayer.
There are now no meetings at present in St Paul’s. A couple of members go to meetings at St Margaret Mary’s parish. Other UCM members meet informally instead.
UCN at a talk about RNIB Guide Dogs
Social and Welfare Group
Outdoor Mass at St Timothy's in the Lourdes at Home week.
This group was established in the 70's or 80's to bring together the more senior citizens of the parish. They organise an annual party on a Saturday near to St Patrick's day (March 17th). Sometimes a Mass for the sick is held on a Saturday in the autumn. The group acknowledge the great help given by the Junior School who organise a summer lunch and a pre Christmas meal for senior citizens. Both occasions are hugely enjoyable.
The Lourdes at Home Week in July 2018 was organised by the Social and Welfare group with six different events. It was very well supported by our parish community.
A party run by the Junior School
Knitting Groups
There are two knitting groups and they both meet on Thursday afternoons 12:30 pm to 15:00 and they cooperate. There has been two exhibitIons in 2022 and 2023. There are photos of 2023 exhibition on Recent Events page.
Since the original group (now called St Paul and St Timothy knitting group) started, the members have met in St Timothy's Presbytery. They like it there because car parking is easy, the meeting room is pleasant with a large table which can accommodate all the knitters. A pleasant bonus is easy access to tea and biscuits ( and cake)! Each meeting starts with a prayer and a short 'catch up'.
The group's main aim is to knit for charitable causes. The first project was to make small baby hats for premature babies. They now provide a constant supply of these and shawls for Alder Hey and the Women's Hospital. The next request for help came from those good souls who care for refugees. Scarves and hats were made by the dozen. Members of the parish were asked to take part in both projects and the responses were magnificent.
The most recent request came from St Paul's and St Timothy's Infant School.
They wish to replenish their knitted Christmas cribs in order to continue with their Spanish Advent practice of Los Posadas (The Inns). The group have knitted seven full cribs and a few extras.
The other knitting group is called St Paul's Cosy/ Knitting Natter Club
This club originally started when the Parish Centre was opened for one afternoon each week for people of the parish to come along for some company and refreshments. A parishioner who attended asked if there was anyone interested in knitting Easter Chicks to raise funds for a charity she was supporting. A number of parishioners said they would be pleased to help. Since then the group has knitted lots of items including infinity balls and fidget sleeves for comfort to use by people suffering from Alzheimer, shawls and blankets for premature baby units, hats, gloves and scarfs for people in need.
Come along and join the knitting and crocheting group, and learn if you need some help, or just enjoy the company and a pleasant chat. We are here from 12.30 until 3.00pm on Thursday afternoon and look forward to meeting you.
This shows the knittied articles on the Alzheimer table in 2023
Congratulationa to the knitting group for the wonderful display from 2022
Cuddly animals on display in 2022. The one on the right is Deacon Joe .
Fidget sleeve example
Infinity ball example
St Vincent De Paul Society
The SVP is a very small group in the parish who would welcome new members. Have a look at the national SVP website for more details of the work that is done by SVP members.