Parish Council Reports
The parish council approved in principle the publication of the minutes for their meetings on the website. Apologies for the fact that, on the whole, minutes have not been distributed for public consumption. Below, however, we do have the latest minutes from the meeting in May 2024 and we hope that the minutes of more meetings will be published at regular intervals.
The first meeting of the Parish Council took place in the spring of 2018. The two year term of office of some members came to an end in 2020; they had the option of continuing for a further two.
The membership of the parish council is: Colette Peaker (Chairperson), Deacon Andrew Cleary, Maria Eves, Lesley Farrar, Mike Glover, Lindsay Johnston, Josie Kelly, Ann McDonald, Fr John Meehan, Br Eamonn O’Brien, Fr John Southworth, Miriam Thompson,
Parishioners are invited to suggest items for the agendas or to comment on tne minutes of the meetings. Please pass these to Father John Southworth (see Contacts page).
Parish Council: Minutes of the meeting 28th January 2025
Opening Prayer – Mr Cleary – Mark: 3 31-35
Present - Fr John Southworth, Fr John Meehan, Andrew Cleary ,Colette Peaker ( Chair) , Lesley Farrar, Maria Eves,
Mike Glover, Lindsay Johnston, Josie Kelly, Ann McDonald, Br Eamonn O’Brien, Miriam Thompson
Apologies – None
Mrs McDonald advised there were no updates.
The role of the Parish Council –
The steering committee confirmed it had met on the 23rd of January to further explore the future role of the Parish council and the changes that could be made to coordinate, encourage and carry out the council’s mission of building a dynamic community characterized by faith. It was suggested that the council was not an administrative body, it’s primary function should be responsibility for the “faith aspect” of our community. Administration therefore may need to become the remit of another group with that group bringing matters to the council as necessary.
Areas that were considered a concern were general communication within the parish and the time taken to implement agreed new initiatives.
The tool kit ‘Reimagining Pastoral Councils’ was distributed to all members and it was agreed that an effective discussion on this documentation and the council’s future role could not be completed within a time driven monthly meeting when other agenda items also needed consideration. A facilitator is therefore to be sought and a full day’s weekend session arranged to discuss the future role of the council in depth.
Fr Southworth confirmed that an application has been made to the council to remove the tree by the front door that is causing a drainage leak. The leak has been identified as being on the Church side but at present it cannot be accessed because of the tree. This is to be chased up as a matter of urgency by Fr Southworth.
Action Fr Southworth
Bereavement Group
This group continues to make positive progress and four people have attended recently. Br Eamonn confirmed the group is still very much at the experimental stage – seeking to find out from attendees whether their needs are being met.
Synodal matters – our Family of Parishes
Mrs Peaker suggested consideration be given to publishing St Margaret Mary’s mass times in our newsletter. It was agreed the newsletter could easily be tweaked to accommodate this.
Action Mrs Peaker /Fr Southworth
First Aid
Mrs Farrar suggested a notice outlining the location of the defibrillator and wheelchair should be placed on the noticeboard. A defibrillator is to be ordered for St Timothy’s.
Mrs Peaker to attend to the notice
Fr Southworth to order a Defib for St Timothy’s.
Concluding Prayer – all
The meeting concluded at 8.30pm.
Date and time of the next meeting – 25th February 7pm at St Paul’s Church.
Parish Council: Minutes of the meeting 9th OCTOBER 2024
Opening Prayer – Mr Cleary - Luke 12 39-53
Present - Fr John Southworth, Lesley Farrar, Maria Eves, Mike Glover, Lindsay Johnston,
Josie Kelly, Ann McDonald, Br Eamonn O’Brien, Colette Peaker.
Apologies – Fr John Meehan, Miriam Thompson.
Review of the Minutes of the previous meeting
The previous minutes (10th of September 2024) were circulated and found to be a true representation of that meeting.
Mrs McDonald advised one DBS was now sorted.
Holy Communion/ Reading Protocols
Following on from the discussions at the previous meeting Fr Southworth confirmed he would draw up some general guidelines for both of these ministries.
Action- Fr Southworth
The role of the Parish Council -
It was agreed to dedicate the next meeting to the study of our future remit as a council. The intention is to reconfirm our role in terms of faith matters. Emphasis will be on looking at our brief in the light of the findings/work of the Synodal council and with this in mind Chris Kelly, as one of the Synodal representatives ( alongside Mrs Peaker) will be invited to the meeting. In the meantime, the Steering Committee will meet and feed ideas into the November meeting.
Action - Mrs Peaker contact Mrs Kelly.
Mr Glover to call a meeting of the Steering Committee.
Fr Southworth confirmed in March 2018 various trees were listed but these can be pruned if considered to be getting too close to the road/dangerous. Terry Locke/ Fr Southworth are to try again to get some advice via the city council. Regarding the church grounds, some of the bushes have already been pruned and more will be in due course.
Action - Fr Southworth
Bonsall Hall
Following posts on Social media and other comments made within the parish community over the last few weeks, Fr Southworth is to contact the Archdiocese to clarify the current situation with regard to Bonsall.
Action - Fr Southworth
Church Heating
Four firms have been approached to submit tenders for the work. Upon their responses the Archdiocese will make the final decision and the work will commence. Completion of the work is expected to be early December.
A quote of £5988.00 plus VaT has been received and accepted from K Darlington and Sons Ltd. Work on both ramps is expected to commence shortly following adjustments being made to comply with Historic Churches requests.
Mass Times St Timothy’s
It has beeng suggested by a parishioner that with winter approaching an adjustment to the timings of the 5.30pm mass may be beneficial to elderly parishioners. Fr Southworth is to place a notice in the newsletter to elicit parishioner’s views about bringing the Mass forward and he will speak on this matter at the 2nd November 5.30 Mass.
Action - Father Southworth
Any Other Business –
Mrs Farrar confirmed the parish Christmas afternoon tea date to be Sunday Ist of December at 2pm. Tickets (£5) will be sold at both churches after next weeks’ masses.
Concluding Prayer - read by Mrs Peaker
The meeting concluded at 8.30pm.
Date and time of the next meeting – Thursday 28th of November 7pm at St Paul’s Church.
Parish Council: Minutes of the meeting 10th Sept 2024
Opening Prayer – Mrs Peaker
Present -
Fr John Meehan, Lesley Farrar, Maria Eves, Mike Glover, Lindsay Johnston, Josie Kelly,Br Eamonn O’Brien, Colette Peaker, Miriam Thompson.
Apologies – Fr Southworth , Andrew Cleary , Joe McGunigle, Ann McDonald
Review of the Minutes of the previous meeting
The previous minutes (11th June 2024) were circulated and reviewed. There was just one amendment re Synod numbers, clarified by Mrs Peaker.
Mrs Johnston was asked by Mrs McDonald to advise the council that she had the name of one new Eucharist minister.
Children’s Liturgy
First Holy Communion Preparation Mrs Johnston advised that she would speak to Fth Southworth upon his return to arrange a meeting for all FHC catechists with a view to timetabling the 2025 preparation for this sacrament.
Eucharistic Ministers
Archdiocesan training has now been arranged for new Eucharistic ministers (and for those requiring a refresher). 10 places have been allocated and there are already 9 taken. Fr Meehan clarified any points raised by ministers attending the PC meeting. It was agreed that an ‘in house ‘refresher meeting would be of benefit to all Eucharist ministers to clarify points specific to our parishes.
Becoming a Welcoming Parish
The subcommittee met over the summer break and Mrs Peaker outlined matters discussed which were as follows:
The role of the Parish Council
In general terms this is to make decisions on behalf of the people in the parish and to have an overall responsibility for the wellbeing of its local community, however it was agreed the original terms of reference and aims of the council (as agreed 3 years ago) need to be revisited and the council’s remit fine-tuned with a view to improving effectiveness. Action - all
There is a need to remind people that prayers for the sick and visits to the sick must be requested by the individual concerned or their family. A notice will be put into the newsletter to remind people. There is also a need to clarify procedures regarding how to go about getting a mass said. Action Colette Peaker
It was agreed that the current practice of thanking all those who volunteer/ support the parish by way of an annual mass and social should remain in place.
A general discussion was held but the unavailability of certain documentation resulted in the council agreeing to leave this matter in abeyance pending the return of Fr John Southworth later in the week.
Mrs Farrar raised certain matters regarding the buildings at Bonsall. It was agreed that this matter should be raised directly with Fr John Southworth. Action- Mrs Farrar
Any Other Business
Mrs Farrar suggested a parishioners afternoon tea and quiz in the parish club. All agreed this is an excellent idea and Mrs Farrar will look into possible dates Action - Mrs Farrar.
Mr Glover stressed the need to introduce a planner containing dates for all parish council meetings for the forthcoming year, thus avoiding clashes with other parish meetings/ events. Action - Mrs Peaker and Mrs Johnston
Concluding Prayer - read by Mrs Peaker
The meeting concluded at 8.15pm
Date and time of the next meeting – Thursday 24th October 7pm at St Paul’s s Church