Parish Council Reports


The parish council approved in principle the publication of the minutes for their meetings on the website. Apologies for the fact that, on the whole, minutes have not been distributed for public consumption. Below, however, we do have the latest minutes from the meeting in May 2024 and we hope that the minutes of more meetings will be published at regular intervals.

The first meeting of the Parish Council took place in the spring of 2018. The two year term of office of some members came to an end in 2020; they had the option of continuing for a further two.

The membership of the parish council is: Colette Peaker (Chairperson), Deacon Andrew Cleary, Maria Eves, Lesley Farrar, Mike Glover, Lindsay Johnston, Josie Kelly, Ann McDonald, Fr John Meehan, Br Eamonn O’Brien, Fr John Southworth, Miriam Thompson,

Parishioners are invited to suggest items for the agendas or to comment on tne minutes of the meetings. Please pass these to Father John Southworth (see Contacts page).

Parish Council: Minutes of the meeting 10th Sept 2024 

Opening Prayer – Mrs Peaker


Present -

Fr John Meehan, Lesley Farrar, Maria Eves, Mike Glover, Lindsay Johnston, Josie Kelly,Br Eamonn O’Brien, Colette Peaker, Miriam Thompson.


Apologies – Fr Southworth , Andrew Cleary , Joe McGunigle, Ann McDonald

Review of the Minutes of the previous meeting

The previous minutes (11th June 2024) were circulated and reviewed. There was just one amendment re Synod numbers, clarified by Mrs Peaker.


Mrs Johnston was asked by Mrs McDonald to advise the council that she had the name of one new Eucharist minister.

Children’s Liturgy

First Holy Communion Preparation Mrs Johnston advised that she would speak to Fth Southworth upon his return to arrange a meeting for all FHC catechists with a view to timetabling the 2025 preparation for this sacrament.

Eucharistic Ministers

Archdiocesan training has now been arranged for new Eucharistic ministers (and for those requiring a refresher). 10 places have been allocated and there are already 9 taken. Fr Meehan clarified any points raised by ministers attending the PC meeting. It was agreed that an ‘in house ‘refresher meeting would be of benefit to all Eucharist ministers to clarify points specific to our parishes.

Becoming a Welcoming Parish

The subcommittee met over the summer break and Mrs Peaker outlined matters discussed which were as follows:

The role of the Parish Council

In general terms this is to make decisions on behalf of the people in the parish and to have an overall responsibility for the wellbeing of its local community, however it was agreed the original terms of reference and aims of the council (as agreed 3 years ago) need to be revisited and the council’s remit fine-tuned with a view to improving effectiveness. Action - all


There is a need to remind people that prayers for the sick and visits to the sick must be requested by the individual concerned or their family. A notice will be put into the newsletter to remind people. There is also a need to clarify procedures regarding how to go about getting a mass said. Action Colette Peaker


It was agreed that the current practice of thanking all those who volunteer/ support the parish by way of an annual mass and social should remain in place.


A general discussion was held but the unavailability of certain documentation resulted in the council agreeing to leave this matter in abeyance pending the return of Fr John Southworth later in the week.


 Mrs Farrar raised certain matters regarding the buildings at Bonsall. It was agreed that this matter should be raised directly with Fr John Southworth. Action- Mrs Farrar

Any Other Business

Mrs Farrar suggested a parishioners afternoon tea and quiz in the parish club. All agreed this is an excellent idea and Mrs Farrar will look into possible dates Action - Mrs Farrar.

Mr Glover stressed the need to introduce a planner containing dates for all parish council meetings for the forthcoming year, thus avoiding clashes with other parish meetings/ events. Action - Mrs Peaker and Mrs Johnston

Concluding Prayer - read by Mrs Peaker

The meeting concluded at 8.15pm

Date and time of the next meeting – Thursday 24th October 7pm at St Paul’s s Church

 Parish Council: Minutes of the meeting 9th July 2024

 Opening PrayerMrs Peaker



Fr John Southworth, Fr John Meehan, Lesley Farrar, Maria Eves, Mike Glover, Lindsay Johnston, Josie Kelly, Br Eamonn O’Brien, Colette Peaker, Miriam Thompson.


 Apologies – None

 Review of the Minutes of the previous meeting

The previous minutes (11th June 2024) were circulated, reviewed, and confirmed to be a true reflection of that meeting.


Mrs McDonald is in touch with Claire Newton. There will be automatic renewal of DBS certificates However if a volunteer changes their role or becomes involved in a second role they will need to inform Mrs McDonald or Mrs Bradley.

 Children’s Liturgy

First Holy Communion Preparation

Fr Southworth confirmed that reconciliation had been completed for the St Paul’s Junior school children. Catechists are needed to support Runneymede children and those children from other schools in their FHC journey at mass.

 Eucharistic Ministers

See last month’s minutes re training. There has been one new volunteer to serve at Mass and an additional volunteer willing to go out into the parish.

 Bereavement Group

Br Eamonn confirmed that the group had looked at the areas they might be able to offer as support. Volunteers are being asked where they might feel comfortable in terms of providing support in order to establish where they might be best placed. They are also looking at where they might access additional training (eg from bereavement groups already well established such as St Theresa’s). Long term the aim is to identify key people from the group who will be able to offer advice and support across the family of parishes.

 Boiler Replacement Scheme

The Archbishop’s Council has now approved a new heating system for St Paul’s. Funding will come from the Archdiocese by way of a parish loan, to be repaid on a monthly basis from the Parish account. Tenders are now to be obtained and it is hoped that the quotes that will come in will be less than originally expected. Fundraising will be ongoing but in stages throughout the autumn. The raffle and concert raised £400 for Parish funds

 Welcoming New Parishioners

A discussion was held on how we best signpost those in need to the help that is available. Mrs Peaker volunteered to undertake some work on this and will bring her findings to the next meeting. All agreed that a bin at the back of Church for foodbank donations was an excellent idea.

Mrs Peaker shared the wording of the welcome she had put together to be read out at the beginning of Mass. A discussion was held as to when and how often this should be read out. A decision will be made at the next meeting.


Fr Southworth raised his concerns regarding trees at the back of St Pauls Church which, in addition to blocking out the light, the potential problem of squirrels he is concerned the trees could cause a problem with the drains if left. The trees are numbered but not thought to be listed but the Liverpool City council will need to be contacted to establish this. A tree surgeon will also be contacted to look at the state of the trees, and suggest a price for their removal (subject to any required permissions being sought). A survey of the drains may also be required.

In terms of the Church grounds, it was acknowledged that they also may need cutting back and opening up, thus providing more light and enabling the Church to be seen more clearly by passers by. The current gardener is contracted to mow the lawns but will cut down stuff if asked. Fr Southworth is to place a notice in the newsletter asking for volunteers to form a gardening group to establish what needs to be done.

Action – Fr Southworth


The Synod now has a full committee. All parishes are represented and are starting to work collaboratively as ‘family of parishes’ on an audit of resources that can be shared. 

Any Other Business –

The ramp – Fr Southworth reported he assumes that the proposal has gone to Historic Churches for approval , they only meet three times a year.

Use of the club – the manager at the club is eager for the club to be used more by the Parish – various ideas were discussed. 

Concluding Prayer - read by Mrs Peaker

The meeting concluded at 8.15pm

 Date and time of the next meeting – Tuesday 10 th September 7pm at St Paul’s s Church

Parish Council: Minutes of the meeting 11th June 2024

Opening Prayer – Mrs Peaker



Fr John Southworth, Fr John Meehan, Lesley Farrar, Maria Eves, Lindsay Johnston, Josie Kelly, Ann McDonald, Br Eamonn O’Brien, Colette Peaker, Miriam Thompson.


Apologies – Mike Glover

Review of the Minutes of the previous meeting

The previous minutes (16th of May 2024) were circulated, reviewed, and confirmed to be a true reflection of that meeting.


Mrs McDonald advised that Mrs Bradley was currently taking time out. Brother David will chaperone Mrs McDonald while Mrs Bradley is away. Mrs McDonald is to check where we are up to regarding new volunteers and report back to the council.

Parish Renewal Day

Those who attended confirmed the event was a great success and very positive feedback had been received. Formal thanks will be sent to Deacon Andy’s wife Elizabeth for all her help and support and thanks will also be formally expressed to the staff in the parish club.

First Holy Communion Preparation

Fr Southworth confirmed that all preparations for the St Paul’s Junior school children had been completed. Reconciliations will take place in June, but before this Fr John will complete some sessions with the children in school. One ‘Treasure Hunt’ session has been completed for the Runnymede children, but as this was over the half term when many families would have been away, a further session will be offered in the next couple of weeks. As we move forward these children and families will need accompanying in their faith journey at weekly mass. Volunteers will be particularly needed at the 11.15 Mass.


The council is meeting next week.

Fr Conor is no longer a member but eleven out of twelve parishes are represented and are sharing ideas re groups and activities in all parishes. The next aim is to identify key personnel within parishes. Minutes from the Synodal council are to be displayed on the noticeboard/on the website to raise awareness of the work of Synod and Deanery councils.

Action – Mrs Peaker

Eucharistic Ministers

More Eucharistic Minister are needed to go out into the Parish and visit parishioners who are sick/house bound. Mrs McDonald confirmed that these ministers would need to visit in twos and both would need up to date DBS certificates. This is to be discussed further at the next meeting.

Bereavement Group

Br Eamonn confirmed that Brother David is the main organiser of the group but that he (Br Eamonn) will continue to run the training for the volunteers. The next meeting will be July, thereafter, the group will ‘break’ for the summer resuming Sept. Bro Eamonn offered to run a session teaching about Reiki for anyone interested on the Parish council. Sunday 7th of July was the proposed date for the initial training session with four Monday sessions to practise the techniques to be confirmed. Interested parties are to contact Br Eamonn direct.

Boiler Replacement Scheme

Fr John confirmed there was no movement regarding the heating as yet. The Financial Advisory Committee, through which every decision has to be approved, won’t be meeting until the end of June. Fundraising has already started. Parishioners are able to buy raffle tickets for a prize draw ( to be drawn at the end of June) from the back of both Churches after mass. Envelopes are also available for anyone who wishes to donate. It was agreed that a parish ‘Programme of Events’ to raise funds could be put together in the autumn.

Welcoming New Parishioners

A sub- committee of the council met on the 10th of May to discuss how we build on the welcome people already receive. It was agreed that we now move forward with the proposal to ask Readers to welcome parishioners at each mass. The wording of the short welcome was discussed and it was suggested that this was left permanently on the lectern with different people being asked each week to read the welcome. The welcome will include an introduction to Little Church and the ‘toddler corner’ in St Paul’s and in both parishes it will include a brief few words reassuring young families not to worry about little ones making a noise.

Action- Mrs Peaker to draw up a short welcome notice for the readers.

Helping those in need

The sub -committee also discussed how to sign post those in need to Foodbanks. It was agreed that we needed to identify the various types of food provision available (e.g foodbanks, the food pantries)

and draw up a leaflet to be displayed in Church signposting people to these provisions and other services which may be of use. Mr Cleary advised that the Foodbank at St Vincent de Paul is now being accessed by 200 people on a Tuesday and Thursday- refugees, those seeking asylum as well as local families in need. St Vincent’s have issued an appeal for items such as wheely cases/ travel bags (in usable condition) kitchen utensils/tin openers /cups.

An appeal notice is to go in this week’s newsletter.

Action– Mr Cleary

A brief discussion was also held on how we identify and best support the most vulnerable and needy within our specific parish – this will be returned to in future meetings.

Any Other Business

Ms Mitchell advised that the list of Parish Councillors on the noticeboards at the back of the Church needed updating and minutes of the meeting displayed.

Concluding Prayer - read by Mrs Peaker

The meeting concluded at 8.15pm

Date and time of the next meeting – Tuesday 9th July 7pm at St Paul’s church.