Recent Events

A reminder to parishioners to let the web master have pictures and a description of the event. Please use the Recent Event Form to send articles etc by email.  There are no guarantees that all the photos will be used or that the description will be published in entirety or without alteration but the web master will discuss layout etc with you.

The Rite of Election 2025

The Rite of Election is to welcome adults from parishes throughout the Archdiocese who have been preparing to be Baptised and Confirmed during the Easter Vigil this year, as well as those from other Christian churches who wish to become members of the Catholic Church.

This took place on the 1st Sunday of Lent, March 9th 2025. Please pray for our RCIA candidates as they continue their Journey in Faith.In this year’s group we have 4 candidates for first communion/confirmation and several people from the parish who have come along to enhance their understanding our faith.

Trip to Walsingham November 2024

Church of the Annunciation

Church of the Annunciation in the village

We visited Wells Next the Sea. They were celebrating Christmas Tidings

Our annual pilgrimage took place to Walsingham last weekend. The sun shone on the 27 of us as some of us carried the statue through the fields. We celebrated Mass each day with Fr.John Meehan, and offered our prayers for our families and friends. A lovely afternoon trip to Wells-Next-the-Sea sharing their Christmas Tidings weekend . We all had a super and prayerful time.

At the Shrine

The clergy at the shrine

A happy group celebrating a birthday

Christmas dinner

Carrying Our Lady The Holy Mile

On the walk through the fields

Two pilgrims

More happy pilgrims

Outdoor Mass for Season of Creation 2024

We had over 100 present for our outdoor Mass on Saturday 21st September 2024.  The Beavers and junior choir came and, as a result, there were more parents present. The singing from the Junior Choir was beautiful, readers were really good and Deacon Andy gave a lovely homily. The Beavers presented a loaf, grapes, apples, sheaf of wheat, a plant, veggies - also the bread and wine. Then down comes the rain! Wonderful cooperation as we adjourned to church.  It was amazing how all the chairs & altar equipment were brought into church with no hassle. We continued the Mass led by Fr John S. Cath Glover had some sample products of Fair trade available. Tea, juice, cakes and biscuits were supplied afterwards. Great spirit present . Thanks to all (especially the Laudato Si Circle) who gave such generous help. 

Lourdes Pilgrimage 2024

Another lovely pilgrimage. Very enjoyable but also tiring - meeting lots of old friends and making new ones. Lourdes is a very happy place because everyone wants to be there. Lot of candles were lit and prayers were offered for all our friends and parishioners.

The Grotto which hasn't changed in 150 years.

The Rosary basilica above the   grotto.

Drinking Lourdes water which is on tap. All around the grotto.

Mass in the underground basilica

Two pilgrims with Angela, who works in the hospital

The spring underneath the grotto


In 2013, three of our Sewing group made a lovely banner for Pax Christi. The member of Pax Christi, who asked for the banner, sent photos recently to show that it is still used on marches etc. It looks as good as new and the three who made it must be very proud of their work which will be used for many years to come.

Pax Christi banner being used on a March for Gaza

Another banner used on same march. The banner has the words Peace and Reconciliation

CAFOD Live Simply Presentation of the LiveSimply Award to our Parishes

By Archbishop Malcolm McMahon on Tuesday, 30th May 2024

Showing people heavily involved in Laudato So and some younger uniformed group with the Archbishop, Local MP and Cafod representatives

Archbishop preaching

The special Service was at St Paul’s. Archbishop Malcolm McMahon led us in prayer and presented our parishes with the CAFOD LiveSimply Award. Also present were the two CAFOD assessors Susan O’Halloran and Justine Simcock, the local CAFOD    co-ordinator Colette Byre and the MP for West Derby Ian Byrne who is a strong supporter of CAFOD and associated charities including food banks. The Award was to both our parishes and plaques were presented to representatives from each community for display in each Church.

Thank you to those who organised the event in particular the parish Laudato Si group who enabled the parish to achieve the award and has made us so aware of many ecological issues which endanger our planet.

 For those who want to be reminded of what this award is and how it was won, see the web page LiveSimply CAFOD Campaign. The Laudato Si Circle did most of the work on the campaign and are always looking for new members. Have a look at the Laudato Si Circle page. The award is being granted to EVERYONE in St Paul’s and St Timothy’s not just to the few who worked hard to persuade us all to live simply by providing some tips

Brother David doing a reading at the lectern

two members presented their work to the Archbishop

Some Laudato Si members with Arcbishop, MP and Cafod

Archbishop and Fr John Southworth listening to the reading