Draft Privacy Notice
(We have now been supplied with the official privacy notice for the Archdiocese of Liverpool and approved by Bishops of England and Wales. You should read the official notice. However, not all the sections in this apply to our parishioners and until we receive the official materials for parishioners, you may also like to read to read the following page which explains what we do with your data.)
As part of Registered Charity 232709, belonging to Liverpool RC Archdiocesan Trustees Inc, we have to be compliant with GDPR, a new UK act which came into force on 25th May, 2018.
Our privacy policy consists of the following sections:
How we acquire data and why we need to store it.
What we do with the data
Do we pass on any or all of data to others?
How we are obtaining your consent to storage of data
How we acquire data and why we need to store it.
Baptism Records
Records are kept in a database and in the parish register books. The information is retained forever and is used to produce copies of baptism certificates when requested for school admission or for other reasons. Another reason for keeping records is to invite families to a Baptism Mass after the first year of Baptism. The data from these records are also used to update the families on the parish database.
Records for Sacraments of Initiation
for provision of certificates to prove ceremony has taken place
Marriage Records
for provision of certificates to prove ceremony has taken place or in rare cases when an annulment is requested
Funeral Records
for provision of certificates to prove ceremony has taken place
Records of Offertory Envelopes
for estimating amounts to be claimed back from HMRC by gift-aiders. We will have to keep these records for at least 6 years for HMRC. From April 2019, we intend to provide envelopes only to gift-aiders.
Records of signed Gift Aid forms
for HMRC purposes
Records of discontinued Gift Aid forms
for HMRC purposes
Records of Standing order forms
for collection of monies from banks
Records of people who have signed their consent to our storage of their data.
These are required by the new GDPR law. We can obtain consent either by keeping written signed consent forms or by keeping emails in which people have given a positive assent. Normally, if there is no consent at all, we would delete all data belonging to that person but would have to keep any data relating to Gift Aid and Standing Order data for HMRC or Banks.
We assume that, by signing the form, parishioners do not mind having their name published on the parish website. Please read the next paragraph.
Announcements or information collected from newsletters.
Names of parishioners sometimes appear on parish newsletters which are published on the parish website. Once a newsletter is 2 weeks old, it is destroyed on the website. Generally speaking, we try to avoid publishing names of parishioners on website pages other than the newsletter page. Of course we never publish addresses.
What we do with the data
All of the above records of parishioner data are stored on PCs in the presbytery belonging to the parish and are not copied onto removable media. No-one is allowed to take data away from presbytery.
The parish website has been developed elsewhere but the webmaster only has access to the newsletters and emails from various parishioners to help update the website. The webmaster does not pass on email addresses.
Do we pass on any or all of data to others?
We do not share data with any third parties apart from:
the Archdiocese of Liverpool for gift-aid
the local Junior and Infant schools who need to know names of baptised children eligible for entry
banks for standing orders
HMRC who may ask us for a review
How we are obtaining your consent to storage of data
All our forms have a section which includes some of the above information and gives a link to this page stored on the parish website. The forms are either emailable or printed. Printed forms will have to be signed and handed to a sacristan or to a priest. We have to set up checks that emailable forms have come from genuine email addresses so these may not be available immediately. On the forms, there is a section where you give consent to storage of data.