Catechists, Formation and Links with Schools
If you wish to volunteer as a catechist for any of the following , please fill in the Volunteering Form which is in the Various Forms folder. On the form, you need to tick the relevant jobs in the list and fill in your details. Some training will be given before becoming a catechist.
Coordination with Schools
Classes are held on some Monday evenings for children from junior schools and their parents to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion and also for children at senior schools to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
This preparation is a combined effort for the families involved with some dedicated volunteers from the parish and from the schools. Volunteers from the parish have to go through the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checking process before being allowed to take part.
The parish is grateful to the schools involved with their careful preparation of candidates for the sacraments.
Baptism Preparation
Classes are held on some Tuesday evenings for parents who want to bring their children to be baptised. Currently there are no classes. Parents are informed about their responsibilities and the need for careful preparation before the ceremony of Baptism can take place.
For more information, please see the page on Request for Baptism. There are 2 documents; one is about Baptism as a sacrament, which is essential reading, and another is a Baptism Request form.
Baptism Font at St Paul’s
RCIA or the Rite of Christian Initiation is for people who are interested in the Catholic Faith, with a view to becoming Catholics themselves, or for those who are already baptised Catholics but who may not have received the Sacraments of Communion or Reconciliation or Confirmation.
The RCIA process starts at the beginning of October and continues through the Easter season towards Pentecost Sunday. It takes place on Wednesday evenings at 8pm in St Paul’s presbytery.