Jesus was baptised by John
The Sacrament of Baptism
And a voice spoke from heaven, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on him.’ Matthew 3:17
Parents: please note that you must contact the parish office first and after that you will be given a form to fill in.
Dear Parents
As parents of a new baby or a baby eagerly awaited, the responsibility and wonder you sense is something we want to celebrate with you as you bring your child to the Church for the Sacrament of Baptism. Our parish warmly welcomes all new members. Your child is important to our community as he/she will bring new life to you and to our Church.
Like all parents, you hope to give your child all that is best for them, so that your child will grow to be a good and complete human being, achieving their God given potential and fullness of life. This will include a desire for your child to be a member of the Church. As you are aware, the first step is Baptism.
Baptism is a wonderful gift to offer your child. Through this Sacrament, your child will become a member of our household of faith, here at St Paul’s and St Timothy’s. In your home, we hope your child will come to know, love and serve God. The following guidance is to assist you and your child on your journey of faith in the Catholic Church.
Baptism Information for those who are ready to fill in the Request for Baptism Form
Baptism Service Baptisms usually take place on Sundays, however we are willing to celebrate baptisms on other days if necessary. Please put a preferred date/day on the form; if this is already full we will ask you to choose another date.
Parents Parents are asked to make a commitment during the ceremony to bring up their child in the practice of the faith; they also are required to make baptismal promises. These will be explained in the preparation ceremony or before the ceremony in the current situation. All members of other Christian churches (Anglican, Methodist, etc) should have no difficulty with these promises. Parents who are members of other faiths (or none) are not required to say anything they do not believe in.
Godparents Only one Godparent is needed however parents may choose two - one man and one woman. One godparent has to be a baptised member of the Catholic Church. A baptised member of another Christian church can also be a godparent. Godparents will be required to make baptismal promises; they should also be able to say the Our Father. More details about Godparents below in the FAQ
Preparation Meeting We are hoping to resume preparation meetings this year. We will inform you when they are to take place.
Photographs and videos Before the ceremony the priest will explain when photographs can be taken.
Cost It is customary to make a donation to the church. Please put it in an envelope and give it to the priest or deacon.
Please make a note of any information above or in the FAQ in the section below that y0u might need on the day of baptism.
Some frequently asked questions:
How soon can I / we have my child baptised?
The Church strongly recommends that parents should have their child baptised within the first few weeks or months after birth. Arrangements can even be made before the child is born. It is better to have the Baptism sooner rather than wait for a suitable time for a large family celebration. Parents are now asked to contact the parish to arrange a meeting with one of the priests or deacons. At the meeting, parents will fill in a form and a suitable date for the Baptism ceremony will be agreed; the parents will then be invited to attend the next baptism preparation session (currently not available).
Who can be a godparent and how many can we have?
Only one godparent is necessary but there can be one man and one woman. At least one must be a baptised Catholic and the other baptised in another Christian church (some Christian churches have a ‘naming’ or ‘blessing’ ceremony for children. This is not baptism).
During the Baptism service godparents will have to make Baptismal Promises which include professing belief in the Christian faith as expressed in the Apostles Creed. They will also promise to try to live a good life.
How do we apply for Baptism of our child (or children)
Please go to the webpage for the Request for Baptism Form and read the notes at the top of the page.
We are a chosen people,
A family people,
Chosen for love and to share love,
Chosen for joy and to spread joy,
Chosen for friendship and for befriending,
Chosen for blessing and to bless,
Chosen for fruitfulness,
Chosen for harvest.
We are a chosen people,
A family people,
Your family,
Our family.
(Based on John 15:9-17)