Showing two rings with inscription 'The Two become One'

Sacrament of  Marriage

God is love and those who live in love live in God and God lives in them (1 John 4:16)


We receive a large number of requests from couples wishing to get married at St Paul's and St Timothy's, often so many that we have to restrict the number to those who reside in the parish or those who have been involved in the parish through a ministry or volunteer organisation.

If you wish to get married in St Paul’s or St Timothy’s
please contact the parish priest by phone 0151 228 3405
or email to make an appointment.

About 6 months prior to the wedding a meeting with the parish priest or deacon should be arranged. During this meeting

  • The Church forms will be filled in.

  • Marriage as understood by the Church will be explained.

  • The wedding service will be prepared.

Marriage Service

The couple will be advised as to what type of service they may choose:

Nuptial Mass

A Nuptial Mass is when the Marriage Rite takes place during a Mass. This is appropriate when both parties are Catholics and most guests are Catholics.

Wedding Service

A Wedding Service includes all the prayers and readings which take place during Mass but the Eucharist is not celebrated (therefore there is no Holy Communion). This is  appropriate when one of the parties is not a Catholic and the majority of the congregation are not Catholics.

A Wedding Service is in no way inferior to a Nuptial Mass.

Marriage Preparation Course

You will be invited to attend a Marriage Preparation course. The Parish holds two courses at the beginning of the year which are led by married couples. If you cannot attend one of these courses you will be invited to go on one of the courses organised by the Archdiocese.

Legal Requirements

The Catholic Church is required to observe the law of the land for any weddings which take place in a Catholic Church.

Register Office

You should give your notices at the Register Office where you have lived for the preceding eight days. If you live in Liverpool, the Register Office is at:

  • St George's Hall (Heritage Entrance), St George's Place, Liverpool, L1 1JJ

You will be given a marriage certificate which is a blue form. This allows the Church to  perform the marriage ceremony. WITHOUT IT A WEDDING CANNOT TAKE PLACE.

Why do we have to give Notice of Marriage?

A Superintendent Registrar and Registrar, or an Approved Person, need to be present at all marriages. Our parishes have their own Approved Persons and will be informed of all the wedding that take place during the year.

Notice of Marriage—Cost?

There will be a fee of £35 (at the time of writing) payable to the Superintendent Registrar at the time of giving the Notice of Marriage.

Do we need to make an appointment?

Yes, to make an appointment, or for any other advice on marriage, you should telephone the Register Office directly on 0151 233 4978 or 0151 233 6777.

What information do we have to give to the Register Office?

When you give Notice of Marriage, you will need to give proof of: your name, your age, your nationality, confirmation of your address.

  • Current and valid passports (or Birth certificates with some other form of identification) are ideal for the first three points.

  • For confirmation of your address a utility bill or bank statement in your name, with your current address, dated within the previous six months is needed.

Another picture of two rings but with a cross in background

May God and our marriage bring us joy.

God give us joy of one another!

Be ever in the embrace of the Father.

Be ever in the embrace of the Son.

Be ever in the embrace of the Spirit.

Be ever in the embrace of one another.

May the Lord tie a bond of our love

between us for ever without loosening.

Adapted from a Celtic prayer

Quotation from Phillipians 1:9