Daily Readings
Sunday and Weekday Readings
Each of the three Scripture readings for Sunday Mass can be found on the Wednesday Word website and there are commentaries written by Dom Henry Wansborough.
For daily mass goers or for people unable to come to daily mass but who like to follow the readings, there is another website which provides the readings and reflections for each day in the week. An alternative website provides the Divine Office and readings for each day.
More on the Catholic Faith
Just one website now to help you learn more about the Catholic Faith:
Introduction to Roman Catholicism
There were two websites before but one has disappeared from the internet
Prayers for the Sick
Usually, when someone is sick and afraid, it is very difficult to concentrate so short ejaculations are more helpful sometimes if they are said slowly again and again. Here are a couple of examples:
Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit
The Lord has given, the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Come, follow me and I will give you rest.
Preparing for Reconciliation
If you have not received reconciliation for some time, please do not worry. Just explain to the priest that you have not been for so many years and he will help you. Keep it simple by concentrating on some aspects of your life that you feel are not pleasing to God. Sometimes the priest may ask you to clarify and he may offer encouragement and then he will ask you to say a prayer to show sorrow. You could say 'Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner' or an act of contrition, if you can remember the words! The priest will usually say the words of absolution and you can then return to the church. You are freed from your sins and can show gratitude to God for his mercy.