It was a rainy day but we were welcomed very warmly by Sister Nora at St. Joseph's Prayer Centre, Freshfield
In the light of the Congress being held in Liverpool in September, which is concentrating on 'The Eucharist', the 3 leaders of the parish RCIA programme (Beryl, Chris and Paul) decided we would use the day to discuss what 'The Eucharist ' meant to us. Fr. John spent the day on a personal retreat but celebrated Mass for us at the end of the day.
Our discussions were very open and interesting as we learnt a little of the history of the Eucharist in the Old Testament. We went on to talk of our own experiences in the reception of Holy Communion at various stages of our lives, how we felt and how our relationships help us to develop our thoughts of Jesus in the Eucharist. We had an enjoyable day, we met some new friends and returned with lots to think about and may perhaps be a little closer to the Lord when we next celebrate Mass.