Visitors to the parish can find the times of services in the Newsletter or in the Calendar. Usually the Calendar is only updated to show the services for the week ahead.
Minutes of Parish Council meeting in September are available
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time : Year C Sunday 9th February 2025
The Holy One of Israel
1st Reading: Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the Temple. Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings. And one called to another and said: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!’ And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who called, and the house was filled with smoke. And I said: ‘Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!’ Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth and said: ‘Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.’ And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am! Send me.’
Pastoral Development: News from the Archdiocese and beyond
If you are interested in having a look at this area of the Archdiocese website, please click this LINK.
The PD Bulletins include resources, opportunities and events within the Archdiocese of Liverpool as well as information from other Catholic organisations. The bulletin is too long to put on this page but it does offer a variety of training opportunities for parishioners, including courses for readers and cathecists. Occasionally, when there is an event which might be of interest to Parishioners. a link to the relevant information is given here
If you want the PD bulletin which is issued every two weeks. please click this LINK. Fill in the form and tick the square for PD Bulletin.
Following a consultation process, the Archdiocese of Liverpool has now approved its Families of Parishes. The process started in November 2021 when the Pastoral Plan was launched. Deanery Synodal Councils were set up and tasked to propose local Families of Parishes.
The Pastoral Plan calls for us to be bold and creative in finding new ways we can best serve the mission of the Church in our current situation.
These proposed Families were put to Archbishop Malcolm McMahon and he promulgated them on 1 March 2024. The arrangement of the Families of Parish are displayed in both our churches.
In February 2024, a statement was read in church containing the suggested groupings of parishes.
In July 2024, a statement was read in church showing the progress made.
How to donate to Ukraine
When the war started in 2022, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon of Liverpool approved the launch of an archdiocesan appeal to support Ukraine. There were several ways of donating and all donations are sent to the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family of London. However, according to the Donation page on Archdiocese website, there is only one way now. Scroll and find #Liverpool4Ukraine towards the bottom of that page
There are other ways of support for Ukraine. Financial donations can be sent to DEC via the CAFOD website. Or you can look at other options called How to help Ukraine which includes petitions and suggestions about writing letters to your MP etc.
SYNOD 2020 and RESULTS and Vatican Synod 2023
In June 2021, the 500 Synod members met via Zoom to make the final decisions of Synod 2020. Based on the consultation that has taken place over the past 3 years, they voted on what should be the priorities for the Archdiocese in the coming years. After that, the Archbishop and his Council, together with priests and people from this and other dioceses met for a week in Leeds to start work on the Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan. The outcome of their deliberations was published on the first Sunday of Advent, 2021.
To view the Pastoral plan, please look at the new website for the Archdiocese.
Pope Francis announced a process called Vatican Synod 2023 in which the whole church worldwide is involved. The results of our Synod 2020 and susequent deliberations described in our Pastoral Plan will form the basis of our submission from the Liverpool Archdiocese to the Catholic Bishops Conference in England and Wales.
Further News items
If you wish to subscribe to the free newsletter so that it will come into your email inbox then you can do this by:
Go to any page on this website. In the black footer of this page, you will find:
Subscribe to receive Parish Newsletter .
Type your email address correctly! Click ‘Sign Up’ and you will get an email. If you click ‘Confirm subscription’, a notice will confirm your subscription and the newsletter will come to your inbox automatically on Saturday afternoons.
There is also a page called How to Donate added at the top of the Information menu. This allows parishioners to choose from several ways of supporting the parish.
For those who are unable to come to church, other resources can be found below which might help:
Streamed Masses - Go to the Archdiocesan website and follow the link to Streamed Masses. The Cathedral will stream a Mass on each Sunday. Other churches in the Archdiocese and beyond will stream their Masses during the week as well as on Sundays. Some of these offer recordings so you can watch them later this week.
Parish Newsletter - The weekly newsletter has continued to be published and can be accessed on the parish website or in St Paul’s church or by email if you subscribe to the mailing list (look at the footer on this page). It contains information, updates and general news.
Sunday/Daily Mass readings - Here is a link to Universalis which gives the Mass reading and other prayers for the current day.
Prayer of the Church - The daily office is a good way of keeping the rhythm of the Church’s prayer. The the publication Magnificat is now available online and youcan subscribe . It is not now free of charge. Go to
St Paul's church
Brief welcome and history
Welcome to the Parish of St Paul and St Timothy in the West Derby area of Liverpool. We are a growing parish with at present around 700 people attending our three weekend Masses, Saturday 5:30pm at St Timothy's, Sunday 8:30am and 11:15am at St Paul's.
St Paul's church was opened in 1914 and consecrated in 1915. St Timothy's parish was established in 1957 and the two parishes amalgamated in 1997.
Another paragraph will be eventually inserted from the About page (which is being written by one of the History group set up in 2015).
The parish history is only important if it helps us to build our community spirit and we move on from the past.
Recent events
A Parish trip to Walsingham …..
Some parishioners went to Lourdes ……
Rite of Election for RCIA candidates….
There was an exhibition of knitting held in St Paul’s…..
The annual outdoor Mass to celebrate Season of Creation …..
The Guides went to Switzerland…..
LiveSimply award presentation took place….
Sacramental Events this week
Please keep prospective candidates in your prayers
Brief Contact Details
address: The Presbytery 10, Spring Grove, West Derby, Liverpool L12 8SJ
Parish office number: 0151 228 3405
email: (for attention of Fr John Southworth)
email: (for general enquiries)
email: (for comments on web pages)
Upcoming Events
Foodbank Collections will take place at regular intervals, organised by KSC and LSC
The items needed are as follows:
Biscuits - UHT Milk - Tinned Fruit - Tinned Fish - Jam - Tinned Meat - Rice Pudding - Juice - Toiletries - Toothpaste - Shower Gel - Shampoo - Selection Boxes
For brief details about services, meetings, future events etc, please look at the calendar.
If any parish event or meeting is missing from the Calendar or is incorrect, please give the information required by emailing
Note, though, that weekday masses are subject to change and so they have only been inserted for the current week.
Notes from the webmaster:
1. Many photographs are altered by the webmaster. Some are cropped, some are made brighter, some have minor details removed. After advice, some of the older photos that were inserted at the start of the website process did have faces slightly pixelated because of lack of consent from parishioners at the time. Some people may have objected to this - so the pixelation has now been removed. It is hoped that the webmaster is not attacked by former parishioners who have left this world! All pictures have their resolution reduced to save space and, hence, loading times are shorter. Anyone who wants a copy of the original photo can apply to the webmaster who will ask the original owner of the photo for permission to be sent.
2. Apologies for any unintended insertion of material (particularly if copyrighted) that should be attributed to others